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NetFire Virtual Workplace: The Future Face of Work

In today’s interconnected global economy, a growing number of business rely on remote workforces. According to survey results released by the Society for Human Resource Management, over 46% of polled companies use virtual teams in some form. The poll was conducted in 2012, and numbers have steadily risen since then. As this trend continues, telecommuting is quickly becoming the new face of work – to make sure your organization is prepared for tomorrow, NetFire is introducing our Virtual Workplace (VW) packages. Here, you can learn more about the benefits of using NetFire’s Virtual Workplace, and what it can do for you.

If you’re among the growing number of businesses looking for a reliable IT solution for your remote workforce, NetFire’s Virtual Workplace provides the platform you need – our VW packages have several benefits for your company that let you optimize productivity. For example, a virtual workplace lets you widen your talent pool to a global scale when you need positions filled – you can widen your search beyond local applicants, helping you find the best candidate for each position. Furthermore, VW also allows you to avoid many of the operating costs involved in maintaining workers in an actual office building, leaving you with more money to spend on what you do best – your business.

NetFire’s VW platforms give you these benefits and more, all over a secure, reliable network. In your VW environment, you can exchange sensitive information whenever you need to, making it easier than ever for your virtual teams to communicate and get things done. Whether your virtual workplace needs are big or small, NetFire’s engineers can create a solution for you – instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach, each platform will be custom-built and customized to the client’s need.

NetFire is due to release our VW offerings next week. For any further updates on these developments, you can keep watching our NetFire Newsroom or follow us on Twitter.