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Supermicro IPMI Active Directory Integration

This tutorial demonstrates Supermicro IPMI Active Directory Integration.

1. After installing the Windows server, add the AD role. Domain name: test.ts




2. Go to Tools > AD users and computers




3. Navigate to test.ts, then add users, create passwords for users


4. Create group: test, then add users(test1, test2, test3) to group:test

supermicro ipmi

5. Check group – see all three test users

supermicro ipmi

6. In the IPMI on X9SRH-7F system with fw 2.26, check Configuration > AD > Advance Settings

  • User Domain Name = test.ts
  • Port 389 default
  • Time out = 0 -> 10
  • Domain Controller Server Address is the IP address of the Windows Server with the AD, in this example supermicro ipmi

7. Add group role

  • Role group name: test
  • Role group domain: test.ts
  • Group privilege: Administrator

supermicro ipmi

8. Check and see that group ID 1 is for test:group, in test.ts domain

supermicro ipmi

9. Log out, then login as one of the test users in the test group

  • test1@test.ts
  • test2@test.ts
  • test3@test.ts

supermicro ipmi

10. After the login completes successfully, you can see up top the User: test1@test.ts


11. In the IPMI of the X9SRD-F microcloud we have setup, using fw 1.89, it also works.


supermicro ipmi

supermicro ipmi