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Installing MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench in Windows

This tutorial shows you how to install both the client and server components for MySQL – the MySQL Workbench and the Community Server for Windows. This tutorial applies to all up-to-date versions of Windows, except for Windows RT.

Go to the Downloads > Windows section of and select the MySQL installer. If you receive an option to either Login or Sign Up to the site but don’t care to do so, simply select “No thanks, just start my download”. Click to save the file.

Once the download is complete, click Run. When prompted with the access control screen, click Yes.

In the MySQL Installer screen, click ‘Install MySQL Products’, then accept the licensing agreement.

On the next screen, click Execute so the Installer can go online for the latest information on stable versions of MySQL products.

On the screen allowing you to install various presets, choose the Developer Default – this installs MySQL Server and MySQL Workbench.

Click Next through the screens to maintain the default settings, until the MySQL Server Configuration page, which will ask for a root password. Pick something that’s both secure and easy to remember.

On the next page, unselect the ‘Start MySQL Server at System Startup’ option if you prefer to start the program manually.

Click Next through the screens to maintain the default settings, then Finish. Workbench will automatically launch. Now you can start/stop the server underneath ‘Server Administration’ – just double-click on the instance, enter your root password, and click Startup/Shutdown to see if the server is running or not.