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Posts tagged by: Microsoft

Microsoft Encourages Partner-Assisted Service

After February 1, 2017, Microsoft will no longer offer pay-as-you-go (PAYG) Azure for new customers. Instead, first-time customers will be directed to Microsoft’s Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) system This article covers important questions you may have about these changes – what the changes are, why they’re happening, and what it can mean for you.

Microsoft Advises Businesses on Office 2016

Office 2016 was released for Windows last month, and utilizes many of the same updates and rules as Windows 10. Many businesses are looking to maintain the Office 2016 setup they currently have, while avoiding constant changes. To address the situation, Microsoft is advising these businesses to purchase old-style perpetual licenses rather than subscribing to […]

Microsoft’s Linux-based OS: Azure Cloud Switch

Microsoft has made recent strides in software-defined networking (SDN), releasing a Linux-based open source OS – Azure Cloud Switch (ACS). Though Microsoft is the world’s largest proprietary software company, they have long used open source software. For several years, Microsoft was the fifth largest contributor to the Linux kernel; and at least one-quarter of the […]

Microsoft Using Bing to Promote Edge

In an effort to promote its Edge browser, Microsoft has implemented an interesting feature for Windows 10 users in the US. When these users first use Microsoft Edge to search Bing for “chrome” or “firefox” (presumably to download those browsers), they receive a warning message stating that “Microsoft recommends Microsoft Edge for Windows 10” along […]

Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 3

The final version of Windows Server 2016, the OS version of Windows 10, is scheduled for official release in early 2016. Next week, Microsoft is also expected to release WS2016 Technical Preview to its Windows Insider testers. Ahead of these official release dates, however, several screenshots of the new system (and the build itself) have […]