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Nvidia Virtualization

As previous news articles have covered before here, virtualization technology has soared in popularity in recent years. Nvidia is no exception – they have recently announced the release of a new virtualization technology-based feature called GameStream Co-Op for their GeForce Experience PC software.

The new feature will let users stream games to other computers online, even to low-powered machines without Nvidia graphics cards. The guest can then view the live stream, take control from the host, or even use another controller for a same-screen multiplayer game. Only one copy of the game is needed, and guests can just visit a link in their Chrome browser to join. This is an exciting development for several reasons.

While true that streaming won’t be as lag-free as a standard multiplayer experience, GameStream Co-Op still open many new possibilities. The feature allows you to play with people who don’t have a gaming PC or even the game itself. Furthermore, unlike other similar features such as Sony’s Share Play, GameStream doesn’t require guests have hardware comparable to their host’s. Hosts require certain Nvidia GPUs, but guests don’t need any specific card. Nvidia lists the full set of system requirements here.

As more industries adopt virtualization technology in lieu of the traditional “I am the PC I sit at” approach, users can expect to enjoy many more exciting developments just like this one.